Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata

image du point d'intérêt

The painting entitled "Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata" is a major work by the Italian artist Giotto, exhibited at the Louvre. This tempera painting on wood was made around 1295 and measures 270 cm high by 230 cm wide.

The work depicts Saint Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order, receiving the stigmata, that is, the marks of Christ's wounds on his own body. In the center of the composition, Saint Francis is kneeling, his hands raised towards the sky, while rays of divine light descend on him. The stigmata, symbolized by bloody wounds on his hands, feet and side, are depicted in a realistic and detailed manner, testifying to Giotto's talent in anatomical representation.

The landscape surrounding Saint Francis is also of great importance in this work. Giotto depicted a lush and peaceful nature, with trees, hills and blue skies. This representation of nature contrasts with the suffering of the saint, thus creating a tension between the beauty of the earthly world and the spirituality of the event represented.

The composition of the painting is balanced and harmonious. Giotto uses curved lines to guide the viewer's gaze towards the saint and the stigmata, creating an effect of movement and depth. The colors used are bright and contrasting, with warm tones for the saint and cold tones for the landscape, thus reinforcing the dramatic effect of the scene.

This work by Giotto is considered one of the most important of the medieval period and had a major influence on Renaissance art. It testifies to Giotto's talent as a precursor of the realistic and emotional representation of sacred figures. By contemplating it, visitors can feel the power of faith and the deep spirituality that emanates from this representation of Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata.

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1. Take the time to observe the details of this painting, such as the stigmata on the hands and feet of Saint Francis.
2. Note the contrast between the suffering of the saint and the peaceful beauty of the surrounding landscape.
3. Appreciate Giotto's use of bright, contrasting colors to enhance the dramatic effect of the scene.
4. Keep in mind the major influence of this work on Renaissance art.
5. Enjoy the spiritual atmosphere that emanates from this depiction of Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata.