All Saints Retable

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The Spedalingo Altarpiece or the Ognissanti Altarpiece is an oil on panel painting from 1518 by Rosso Fiorentino, who acquired it in 1900. It was commissioned by Leonardo Buonafede, "spedalingo" of the Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova in Florence. The contract was dated January 30, 1518. The painting was destined for the chapel of Saint John the Baptist in Ognissanti according to the will of Francesca de Ripoi, a Catalan widow.

In its initial stages, the patron was rejected by patron Leonardo Buonafede, the Spedalingo of the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. It was placed in the Church of Santo Stefano in Mugello instead of the Ognissanti after some changes made by Rosso or perhaps by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio. The figures of Saints Leonard and Benedict were transformed into Saints Stephen and Anthony Abbot. It became part of the heritage of the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. It has been in the Gallery since 1900.

On the left are John the Baptist (patron of Florence and the chapel) and Anthony the Great, while on the right is Saint Stephen (patron of the church of Grezzano, with one of the stones with which he was martyred still in his head) and Jerome (with a book).

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