Doors of the Gospel

image du point d'intérêt

It consists of three portals dedicated to Faith, Hope and Charity. The central portal, that of Charity, has two doors with evangelical texts that narrate the last days of Jesus, separated by a mullion with the Greek letters alpha and omega, as a symbol of the beginning and the end. They are made of bronze, measure 5.28 meters high by 2.82 meters wide, and weigh 6,500 kilos. The one on the left presents the passages relating to the Passion from the Gospel of Matthew, and the one on the right from that of John. Altogether, they have a total of about 10,000 letters, some of which are highlighted with gilded bronze, such as the phrase "What is truth?", which Pilate answered to Jesus when he stated that he came to "bear witness to the truth" (John 18, 38).

There are two other doors on the sides that flank the central one. The one on the left, or Gethsemane Gate, is dedicated to Jesus' prayer in the olive garden. The one on the right or Coronation Door, where Jesus appears with the crown of thorns, the cloak and the reed, as a mockery of his status as king of the Jews.

If you get closer you can appreciate the letters, carved in positive and negative and their great plastic quality.

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