Portal of Hope

image du point d'intérêt

Dedicated to Saint Joseph, as is evident in the number of symbols scattered throughout the architecture, which allude to him and his condition as a carpenter: there is a saw, a mace, a chisel, a square, a hammer and an axe. Do you see them?

Let's now look at the scenes. At the top appear the Betrothal of the Virgin and Saint Joseph and just below, in the center, father and son talk under the watchful eye of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, their grandparents. You will see that the child carries a dove in his hand, a symbol of humility in the face of his father's teachings.

On the sides of the door the Flight into Egypt and the Massacre of the Innocents are also represented. Below the upper pinnacle appears Saint Joseph in a boat, which he pilots as the helmsman of the Holy Family. The builders of the temple wanted to pay a posthumous tribute to Gaudí and that is why the face of Saint Joseph is that of the architect himself.

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