Charity Portal

image du point d'intérêt

He is the oldest of the three. It is dedicated to Jesus. It evokes the Portal of Bethlehem, which has always been a very beloved image in Mediterranean countries and especially in this land. If you approach the central column, you will see the entire genealogy of Jesus engraved. It begins with Original Sin, to whose temptation Adam and Eve succumbed, which is represented by the snake and the apple that appear at its base. And it culminates in the birth of Christ, who will save humanity from its sin. The baby Jesus is clothed by the Virgin Mary, under the watchful eye of Saint Joseph. Gaudí never understood that the figure of Saint Joseph was always relegated to the background in Christian art, being the pillar of the Holy Family. To vindicate his figure he wanted to have him very present in the temple.

Now observe the groups of sculptures that decorate this entrance. To the left and right of the manger, the Three Wise Men and the Shepherds respectively adore the child, while a choir of angels celebrates the good news by singing and playing their instruments. If you continue looking up you will be able to contemplate the Annunciation, where the Virgin Mary kneeling before the Angel Saint Gabriel, learns the news that she will be the mother of God, and a little further up the Coronation of the Virgin.

Also, the star of Bethlehem, the signs of the Zodiac, arranged as they were the night Jesus was born. There also appears a lamb, a symbol of innocence and a dog, which represents fidelity.

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