Sant Felip Neri Square

image du point d'intérêt

Plaza San Felipe Neri, in Catalan Plaça Sant Felip Neri, is a square in Barcelona with an octagonal fountain in the center and surrounded by Renaissance-style houses, headquarters of former guilds of Boilermakers and Shoemakers that moved here from their facilities on the street. de la Bòria and calle de la Corribia, respectively. The square has the same name as the church that presides over it, in which serious machine gun impacts are observed.

The narrow, labyrinthine streets of the Gothic Quarter lead to this unexpected place. The square, built on the old Monjuic cemetery, is witness to a terrible event during the Spanish Civil War, in which a fascist plane dropped a bomb that caused the death of forty-two children who were taking refuge in the basement of church.

The holes in the church are evidence of this sad story, you can almost hear the sound of the bombs that fell from the sky one fateful January in 1938, the façade was the only piece left standing, everything else was destroyed and rebuilt later . Today, next to the church, the Sant Felip Neri school still survives. Now, children play in the shade of the acacia trees, unaware of this tragic past, in this square that marks the entrance to the Jewish quarter of Barcelona.

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From 9.00am to 1130am. The square is used as a playground for the school children, so the passage is obstructed.