Popidio Prisco's Bakery

image du point d'intérêt

Popidio Prisco's Bakery is a fascinating point of interest in Pompeii that offers a glimpse into the ancient art of bread-making. The mill and bakery are intricately connected, showcasing the entire process of flour production and baking within the same building. Visitors can marvel at the large lava mill stones used to grind wheat, with five well-preserved examples on display. These mill stones consist of a cone-shaped lower part (meta) and an hourglass-shaped upper part (catillus), demonstrating the innovative technology of the time.

In the bakery, grain was poured into a rotating chute operated by slaves or animals, resulting in finely ground flour ready for baking. The bread was then baked in various shapes in a central oven, which served as the heart of the operation. Interestingly, there is a small room with a missing counter where the bread was likely sold. It is believed that the bread may have been produced on commission, sold wholesale, or distributed by street vendors known as libani.

As visitors explore Popidio Prisco's Bakery, they can imagine the bustling activity that once filled the space. The aroma of freshly baked bread would have wafted through the air, enticing customers to sample the delicious offerings. The craftsmanship and attention to detail in the construction of the bakery reflect the importance of food production in ancient Pompeii. The layout of the bakery provides insight into the daily lives of the inhabitants and the significance of communal spaces in the city.

Overall, Popidio Prisco's Bakery is a must-see attraction for tourists interested in ancient Roman culture and culinary practices. The combination of historical artifacts, architectural features, and interactive displays offers a comprehensive experience for visitors of all ages. By exploring this unique site, visitors can gain a deeper appreciation for the artistry and innovation of ancient bread-making techniques. Don't miss the opportunity to step back in time and immerse yourself in the sights and smells of a bustling Roman bakery at Popidio Prisco's Bakery in Pompeii.

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