
image du point d'intérêt

This is a statue of Nakhthorheb, an important dignitary of the late period in Egyptian art. He has been represented kneeling, with his hands on his thighs, in an attitude of reverence. The text inscribed on the statue is a prayer to Thoth, god of the cities of Hermópolis and Dendera.

Like most of the Egyptian high officials of the Pharaonic Period, Nakhthorheb held many civil and religious offices simultaneously. The monuments in his name are preserved in Rome, London, Cairo and Copenhagen. His various duties are listed on the back pillar of this statue, interspersed with grandiose titles: 'His Excellency the' Unique Friend ', director of the castles, chief priest reader, officer of the crown, director of each divine function, chief of the magicians in the House of Life, etc.

In the field of art, reference is often made to the greatness and simplicity of the heroic period of the Ancient and Middle Kingdoms. The statue larger than the life of Nakhthorheb is in accordance with this tradition. Male beauty expresses itself through the simplicity of form; the focus of attention seems to have been the torso, which is the only part treated with tempered realism. The desire for simple and strong volumes is also evident in the lack of detail in the clothing: the skirt is only visible above the knees and the smooth headdress seems to join in the forehead and the back pillar.

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