Bargello Museum

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The Bargello, or National Museum of Bargello (Museo Nazionale del Bargello) is a must-see when it comes to culture, one of the outstanding cultural centers in all of Florence. Inside, masterpieces by Michelangelo, Donatello and Ghiberti among other important sculptors are included. Michelangelo's 'Apollo', Donatello's 'David' and Giambologna's 'Architecture' are some of the outstanding works that can be seen inside.

The museum is located inside the Borgello Palace, known as Palazzo del Popolo. This building was built in 1255 with the aim of being the Consistory of Florence, but it was later used as a prison. The tower, even before the building, had the Montanina bell, which was noted when the inhabitants of Florence had to be summoned in case of war or siege. It has been the headquarters of the Council of Justice and the police, and the prisons continued to be used until 1857, when they were moved to the former Murate convent. Since 1865 it has been the headquarters of the Bargello museum, which, as we mentioned before, is mainly dedicated to sculpture.

It was in 1886 when the definitive designation as a sculpture museum took place, coinciding with the celebration of the fifth centenary of Donatello's birth.
Inside the museum we find a collection of Renaissance sculpture considered one of the most notable in the world. The building has had multiple uses, since it began as the residence of the 'Podestà', then it was a prison where executions were carried out until 1786, and later it ended up being what it is now, a museum of works of great cultural value.

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