Death and resurrection (Passion Facade)

image du point d'intérêt

On the upper level death and burial are represented. The first scene in this level is the one on the left. We see the soldiers risking the clothes of Christ. The main scene of the set, the crucifixion of Jesus, appears in the center. Look at the iron cross. It is not a vertical cross but horizontal and nailed to the wall. Christ hangs in the air, lightly resting his feet on the stone and above him, the torn veil of the temple. The three Marys and Saint John appear again. In the last scene, the Burial scene, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus place the body of Jesus in the tomb, next to the Virgin Mary and an egg, as a symbol of the resurrection.

The sculptural cycle continues on the pediment. Observe a large window made up of several stained glass windows. This is the first work by Joan Vila i Grau in the temple, and it represents the Resurrection of Christ. On it there is an almost abstract sculpture of a dove that represents the Holy Spirit.

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