Montmartre Cemetery

image du point d'intérêt

At the bend of our next stop, there is a place where I like to lose myself while listening to Debussy or Chopin. Walking and greeting some of my favorite artists is the mythical Montmartre Cemetery. The Northern Cemetery, commonly called "Montmartre Cemetery", was inaugurated on January 1, 1825. You will be able to come across the graves of painters such as Edgar Degas, Fragonard, Gustave Moreau and Léon Gérôme. But also those of Emile Zola, Stendhal, Nijinsky and many others.

I find this place aesthetically captivating and imposing a profound modesty. A modesty imposed first by the reliefs of the Butte de Montmartre, but also by the contrasts between certain grandiose tombs and others which go almost unnoticed. And yet, where lie some of the most important artists this country has ever known. This adds mystery and excitement to finding some, like Edgar Degas for example.

But don't worry, when you arrive, maps are at your disposal with names and locations, to make your trip easier.

© Tourblink

Don't miss the map at the entrance, because even if you want to use your own GPS, apparently the signal is not very good there.