The Porta Marina gate

image du point d'intérêt

The Porta Marina gate in Pompeii is a remarkable piece of ancient architecture that serves as a gateway to the western part of the city. It is one of the seven gates of Pompeii and is known for its impressive design and historical significance. The name "Porta Marina" is derived from the fact that the exit road from this gate led to the sea, making it a crucial point of access for trade and transportation in ancient times. The gate features a concrete barrel vault construction, a mixture of mortar and stones, which dates back to the colony of Silla in 80 BC.

One of the distinctive features of the Porta Marina gate is the presence of two fornix, or archways. The main archway is higher and was intended for the passage of horses and pack animals, while the smaller archway, located further ahead, was meant for pedestrian traffic. This dual entry system highlights the strategic planning and functionality of the gate, showcasing the advanced engineering skills of the ancient Romans. The gate is not only a practical structure for entry and exit but also a symbol of the city's strength and resilience.

The city walls of Pompeii, which can still be seen today, were originally built in the 6th century BC and stretch over 3200 meters in length. The walls consist of a double wall with a walkway, protected by an embankment, providing a formidable defense for the city. Twelve towers were strategically placed along the walls, with a greater concentration on the north side where the terrain was flatter and more vulnerable to attacks. These towers served as lookout points and defensive structures, further enhancing the city's security.

As Pompeii transitioned into the Roman era, the importance of the city walls diminished, and some sections were repurposed or demolished to make way for residential buildings. However, the Porta Marina gate remains a testament to the city's rich history and architectural prowess. Visitors to Pompeii can marvel at the ancient engineering marvels of the gate, imagining the bustling activity and trade that once passed through its archways. The Porta Marina gate stands as a symbol of Pompeii's past glory and resilience, inviting tourists to step back in time and explore the wonders of this ancient city.

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