The Great Odalisque

image du point d'intérêt

The Great Odalisque is a famous painting exhibited at the Louvre Museum in Paris. This work of art was made by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres in 1814. It depicts an odalisque, a harem woman, lying on a divan. The painting measures 91 cm high by 162 cm wide.

The Grande Odalisque is known for its idealized representation of the female body. The model is depicted with an extremely elongated back and unrealistic proportions. Her body is sinuous and sensual, with exaggerated curves. The woman's voluptuous forms are highlighted by the lascivious pose and partial nudity.

The decor of the painting is luxurious, with richly colored draperies and embroidered cushions. The odalisque is surrounded by exotic objects such as a fan and a hookah, which reinforce the orientalist atmosphere of the work.

The technique used by Ingres is characterized by great precision and detailed rendering. The colors are bright and contrasting, with warm tones and deep shadows. The texture of the skin is rendered with finesse, giving the impression of soft and velvety skin.

The Grande Odalisque is an emblematic work of the neoclassical style and caused much controversy when it was created. Some critics criticized the unrealistic proportions of the woman's body, while others praised the beauty and elegance of the painting.

The work is exhibited in room 77 of the Louvre Museum, where it attracts many visitors from all over the world. It is considered one of the most important masterpieces of French art and is a must-see for art lovers and tourists visiting Paris.

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1. Be sure to visit Room 77 of the Louvre Museum to see La Grande Odalisque.
2. Take the time to admire the details and precision of the painting.
3. Find out about the historical and artistic context of the work before your visit to better appreciate it.
4. Feel free to take photos, but be sure to follow museum rules.
5. Take advantage of your visit to discover other masterpieces of the Louvre.