Granaries of the Pompeya forum

image du point d'intérêt

The Granaries of the Pompeii Forum are a fascinating point of interest for visitors exploring the ancient city. Located in the Forum area of Pompeii, these granaries were originally built to store agricultural products and goods. Today, they house the largest archaeological collection in Pompeii, showcasing over 9000 artifacts that provide a glimpse into daily life in this ancient city. The collection includes a diverse range of objects such as transport amphorae, table and kitchen ceramics, marble sculptures, and plaster molds that offer unique insights into the culture and lifestyle of the Pompeiian people.

Constructed after the devastating earthquake of 62 AD, the Granaries were likely still under construction when the eruption of Mount Vesuvius occurred in 79 AD. Excavated between 1806 and 1823, these structures were repurposed by archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri to serve as a repository for artifacts that were not included in the collection of the Museum of Naples. Maiuri played a crucial role in preserving and showcasing the archaeological treasures of Pompeii, ensuring that these valuable pieces of history were accessible to the public.

Despite suffering damage during World War II bombings in 1943, the Granaries were meticulously restored and reorganized by Maiuri and subsequent archaeological teams. The collection housed within the granaries offers a snapshot of Pompeiian life frozen in time at the moment of the eruption. Visitors can marvel at cooking utensils, food storage containers, and other everyday objects that provide a window into the culinary practices and trade networks of ancient Pompeii.

Among the artifacts on display are metal stoves, containers for preserving fruits and vegetables, amphorae for storing wine and oil, and sculptures that offer a glimpse into the artistic traditions of the time. The granaries also feature plaster casts of various objects, including a tree, a door, a dog, and figures of adults and children. These casts provide a haunting reminder of the human presence that once inhabited these spaces, offering a poignant connection to the past.

As you explore the Granaries of the Pompeii Forum, take a moment to imagine the bustling marketplace and vibrant community that once thrived in this ancient city. The artifacts and exhibits housed within these walls offer a tangible link to the past, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich history and culture of Pompeii. Whether you are a history enthusiast, an art lover, or simply a curious traveler, the Granaries of the Pompeii Forum are sure to captivate and inspire you with their stories of a bygone era.

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