Facade of Glory

image du point d'intérêt

You now contemplate what will be the façade of Glory. It will be the largest and most monumental, as it is the main entrance to the temple. It will be completed in the last construction phase.

It will be dedicated to the Glory of Jesus, his path of ascension to heaven, as well as Hell. Gaudí left some general sketches of the work but with little development. Starting from the only surviving model of this cover, the architects have designed a façade with 8 columns on which the towers will rise. Illuminated clouds will be placed above them that will represent the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They will contain the Creed in large letters, and will be placed on 16 large lanterns arranged in ascending order: the lower seven will represent the days of creation, and the upper nine, the angelic hierarchies.

These columns will in turn allow seven entrances, dedicated to the seven sacraments and the seven petitions of the Lord's Prayer. Access to the porch will be via a staircase with a terrace where a monument dedicated to fire and water will be erected. In the underground under the stairs, Hell and vice will be represented, which will be decorated with demons.

The temple is expected to be completed by 2026-2028.

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