Equestrian statue of Louis XIV

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The Equestrian statue of Louis XIV is a magnificent sculpture that showcases the talent and skill of the renowned Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. This late sculpture was designed and partially executed by Bernini, who was considered the Michelangelo of the 17th century. The project was first discussed while Bernini was in France in the mid-1660s, but it wasn't until later in the decade, when he returned to Rome, that he began working on it. The statue was finally completed in 1684 and was then shipped to Paris in 1685.

Louis XIV, upon seeing the sculpture, was reportedly dissatisfied with the result and wanted to destroy it. However, he was convinced not to do so as it would be a dishonor to destroy a work of art created by a genius like Bernini. The original statue is said to be kept in the Greenhouse, while the one on display is just a copy. Another copy of this iconic sculpture can be found right in front of the Louvre pyramid in Paris, serving as a reminder of the rich artistic history and cultural significance of the city.

The Equestrian statue of Louis XIV is a symbol of power and grandeur, depicting the king on horseback in a majestic pose. The intricate details and lifelike quality of the sculpture highlight Bernini's mastery of his craft and his ability to capture the essence of his subjects. Visitors to Paris can admire this impressive work of art and marvel at the skill and artistry that went into creating it.

As a popular point of interest for tourists, the Equestrian statue of Louis XIV offers a glimpse into the artistic legacy of one of the most influential sculptors of his time. Its presence in Paris adds to the city's allure and provides visitors with a unique opportunity to appreciate the beauty and significance of historical artworks. Whether you are an art enthusiast or simply curious about the history of Paris, a visit to see this iconic statue is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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