Jaume I Station

image du point d'intérêt

The tour begins at the exit of the Jaume I station, on line four or yellow of the Barcelona metro system. The exit, located in Plaça dels Ángels, or Plaza del Ángel, on one side of the Layetana road, was inaugurated in 1926 with the Spanish name of Jaime I as part of a branch of the Greater Barcelona Metro, which with the Merger of said company and Ferrocarril Transversal Metropolitano de Barcelona became part of line III. In the 1970s it was decided to separate this branch between Aragón and Correos from Line III and, with extensions at both ends, convert it into a new line: Line IV. It had to function as the terminal of the line for three years, due to multiple incidents that delayed the opening of the Barceloneta Station, especially an underground explosion in November 1973, which destroyed a large part of the galleries built. Finally, on March 15, 1976, the extension to Barceloneta was released. In 1982 the station catalanized its name as Jaume I, while Line IV adopted Arabic numbering and was renamed Line 4.

James I of Aragon or Jaume the Conqueror in Catalan, was the king of Aragon, Valencia and Mallorca, count of Barcelona and lord of other Fiefs between 1213 and 1276, the year of his death. The title of Conqueror is awarded to him following his successful conquest of the Balearic Islands: Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. And later, he reconquered the community of Valencia and Murcia from the Muslims.

Around the exit of the station that owes its name to this historical figure there are several cafes and food places, including the Dolceria de la Colmen, a pastry shop that dates back to 1849 and makes traditional Catalan sweets and cakes, permeating the square. an angelic smell. The tour continues next to this candy store and Pastisseria along the Baixada or Bajada de la Llibreteria.

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At the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019, the Jaume I station is under construction, so the train does not stop in the direction of Trinitat Nova, you must go to the next station and take one towards La Pau.