The Calvary (Facade of the Passion)

image du point d'intérêt

The middle level represents Calvary. Here the story begins on the right. In the first scene, Simon of Cyrene appears helping Christ carry the cross when he falls fainting on the way to Calvary, while the group of the three Marys, the Virgin, Mary Magdalene and Mary of Cleopas, attend desolately. Next is the episode of Veronica, which shows the face of Jesus captured in the cloth with which he has just wiped his sweat. The figure of Veronica has no face, so as not to interfere with that of the Holy Face. Observe the figure of the evangelist located on the left. Subirachs pays another tribute to Gaudí here, its appearance is as it is, since he took as a model a well-known photo of the architect during the Corpus Christi celebration in 1924. This level closes with Longinus on horseback, the Roman general who speared Jesus.

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