The Queen's Grove

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The Queen's Grove, located in the magnificent Palace of Versailles, is a true gem of the French landscape. Originally known as the Great Labyrinth Grove, this enchanting garden was once home to a life-size labyrinth inspired by Aesop's fables. During the reign of Louis XIV, guests were entertained by the challenge of finding their way out of the intricate maze, using reason as their guide. However, in 1775-1776, Queen Marie Antoinette oversaw the transformation of the labyrinth into the picturesque English Garden that we see today.

As you wander through the Queen's Grove, you will be transported to a world of natural beauty and tranquility. The garden's winding paths and lush greenery create a sense of serenity, inviting visitors to explore its hidden corners and discover its many treasures. Among the rare trees that adorn the landscape are the majestic tulip tree, the towering Lebanon cedar, and the exotic American copal. In the autumn months, the vibrant colors of these trees paint a breathtaking picture, making it a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a peaceful moment of reflection.

In addition to its natural wonders, the Queen's Grove is also home to a collection of exquisite sculptures that were added in the 19th century. These intricate works of art add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the garden, enhancing its beauty and charm. One notable event that took place in the grove was the infamous affair of Queen Marie Antoinette's Necklace in 1784, adding a touch of intrigue and history to this already fascinating location.

Despite its rich history and undeniable beauty, the future of the Queen's Grove is uncertain. Plans are underway to reconstruct the original labyrinth grove and its 39 decorated lead fountains, which may result in the disappearance of the English Garden as we know it. As you explore this enchanting oasis, take a moment to appreciate the unique blend of history, art, and nature that makes the Queen's Grove a truly special place within the grandeur of Versailles.

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