the arc of nero

image du point d'intérêt

The Arch of Nero, located in the northeast corner of the Civil Forum of Pompeii, is a fascinating architectural structure that offers a glimpse into the rich history of the ancient city. This unique fornix arch, with its four square niches and solid piers, once stood as a grand entrance point from the Via degli Augustali into the Forum. The arch was adorned with a luxurious architectural decoration, including statues within the niches and a dedicatory inscription that was discovered during excavations in 1818. Scholars have identified the monument as a triumphal arch, believed to have been built between 23 and 29 BC, during the imprisonment of Nero Caesar.

The Arch of Nero's architectural significance is evident in the remnants of its intricate design that can still be seen today. The travertine slabs that once covered the lower part of the piers, the bases and axes of the marble columns framing the niches, and fragments of pilaster strips and moldings on the east side all speak to the grandeur of the original structure. While the attic of the arch has been lost to time, the brick structure remains, offering a glimpse into the past glory of this historical site.

Throughout the years, the Arch of Nero has undergone various interventions and restorations, as evidenced by the walled-off niche, the missing travertine slabs on the east side, and the plaster with an inscription of elections under the marble covering on the south side of the Forum. These alterations hint at the evolving nature of the arch and the importance it held in the city's landscape. The removal of the arch to the east of the podium of the Temple of Jupiter, before the earthquake of 62 AD, further emphasizes its significance as a key architectural feature in Pompeii.

Visitors to Pompeii can marvel at the Arch of Nero's historical and architectural significance, imagining the grandeur of the past as they stand in the shadow of this ancient monument. The intricate details of the arch, from the statues that once adorned its niches to the marble columns that framed its entrance, offer a glimpse into the artistic and cultural achievements of the ancient Romans. As a guide for tourists exploring Pompeii, the Arch of Nero stands as a testament to the city's rich history and the enduring legacy of its architectural wonders.

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