He Ebih

image du point d'intérêt

Many faithful have deposited statues with their effigy in the temples of Mari, thus perpetuating their presence before the deity. These statues of prayers and prayers represent, most of the time, hands joined and dressed in a garment called kaunakès. The statue of Ebih-Il is unquestionably a masterpiece by the quality of its execution, by its state of preservation and by the expressive character of its style.

The character has a shaved head and a long beard that was to be encrusted with another material. Only the eyes have kept their inlays of shell and lapis lazuli enchased in a mount of bitumen. Lapis lazuli, from Afghanistan, testifies to long-distance relationships from ancient times in the Middle East.

The statuettes of prayers were destined to be deposited in the temples, dedicated to their tutelary deities. The attitude of joined hands, the most frequent, is interpreted as that of prayer and was no doubt intended to perpetuate the act of devotion in the temple. The character can also hold in his hands a cup, as on the perforated reliefs depicting a banquet scene, also deposited in the temples.

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