Detail of the Barcelona Cathedral

image du point d'intérêt

Walking through the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona you can see its cathedral from different angles to appreciate its mostly Gothic style and the different elements such as the colorful buttresses or abutments, slender structural supports that keep the cathedral standing and favor the verticality of the temple. along with the pointed arches very typical of this architectural style.

The cathedral and El Barrio are a reflection of the ancient history of a city founded as a Roman colony with the name of Barcino at the end of the 1st century, surrounded by a wall of which the remains are still preserved. After being under Muslim rule, the reconquered city became the residence of the Crown of Aragon and lived a time of splendor until the 15th century. Later the city fell into the hands of Bourbon troops and it was not until the industrial revolution that the city was reborn in modernist splendor.

Part of this historical journey has been witnessed by the gargoyles on top of the cathedral walls, which have various forms of animals and even mythological beings such as a unicorn. Next to it, there is one that has the shape of an elephant over which hangs an urban legend that states that the day the elephant falls the end of the world will come.

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