
image du point d'intérêt

The confessionals mentioned are a significant architectural feature found within the historic monastery of Jerónimos in Lisbon, Portugal. These intricately designed confessionals serve as a testament to the religious practices of the past, offering a glimpse into the spiritual life of the monks of the Order of Saint Jerome. The iron fence that separates the confessor from the penitent symbolizes the sacred nature of the confessional space, creating a sense of privacy and reverence for the sacrament of confession.

As visitors approach the confessionals, they are greeted by the imposing presence of the church beyond the iron fence. The doors leading to the confessional booths are reminiscent of a bygone era, where sailors and pilgrims would seek solace and forgiveness for their sins. The duty of confession was taken seriously by the monks, who ensured that all who sought absolution were welcomed with open arms.

The medallions adorning the face of the buttresses in front of the confessionals add a touch of grandeur to the space. The busts of Portuguese navigators such as Pedro Álvares Cabral, Nicolau Coelho, Paulo da Gama, and Vasco da Gama pay homage to the country's rich maritime history. Each navigator is depicted with intricate detail, capturing their individual features and expressions as they gaze into the distance.

The confessionals stand as a reminder of the monastery's role in the spiritual and cultural life of Lisbon. Visitors can immerse themselves in the history and tradition of the Order of Saint Jerome as they explore this architectural marvel. Whether admiring the craftsmanship of the confessionals or reflecting on the stories of the Portuguese navigators, this point of interest offers a unique glimpse into the past. It is a must-see for tourists looking to delve into the rich tapestry of Lisbon's heritage.

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