House of the great fountain

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The House of the Great Fountain, located in the ancient city of Pompeii, is a fascinating archaeological site that offers a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of the Roman elite during the 2nd century BC. The austere façade of the house, constructed from tufa blocks, is a striking example of Roman architecture. As visitors approach the house from Via di Mercurio, they are greeted by the impressive façade that has stood the test of time.

Upon entering the house, visitors are transported back in time to a world of opulence and grandeur. The two atria, or central courtyards, of the house are a testament to the wealth and status of its original inhabitants. The smaller atrium, adorned with six Doric columns, is a stunning example of Roman craftsmanship. Originally connected to the larger atrium, the two spaces were later separated to create a more intimate and private setting.

One of the most striking features of the House of the Great Fountain is the large fountain that gives the house its name. Located in the small garden at the back of the house, the fountain is a masterpiece of Roman engineering and design. The fountain, housed in a niche adorned with polychrome glass mosaics, features a bronze dolphin-shaped spout from which water once flowed gracefully into a collecting basin below. The sound of trickling water would have provided a soothing backdrop to the elegant surroundings of the house.

In addition to the impressive fountain, the House of the Great Fountain is also home to a collection of tragic marble masks that decorate the sides of the niche. These masks, with their haunting expressions and intricate details, are a poignant reminder of the artistic and cultural achievements of the ancient Romans. As visitors explore the house, they can imagine the lavish banquets and lively gatherings that once took place within its walls.

Overall, the House of the Great Fountain is a must-see destination for anyone interested in Roman history and architecture. From its imposing façade to its intricate mosaics and sculptures, the house offers a glimpse into the past that is both educational and inspiring. Whether you are a history buff or simply a curious traveler, a visit to the House of the Great Fountain is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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