mother chapel

image du point d'intérêt

The Mother Chapel, commissioned by D. Catherine of Austria, is a true masterpiece of Portuguese architecture and Mannerist art. Built to replace the original chapel, which was deemed too small to honor the royal tombs of King D. Manuel and Queen D. María, as well as D. Catherine herself, the main chapel was designed by Jerome de Rouen and inaugurated in 1572. Jerome de Rouen's innovative aesthetic principles are evident in the chapel's design, which features characteristic elements of Italian influence not seen elsewhere in Portuguese architecture. The chapel stands out from the rest of the church with its sobriety of drawing, flat and rigorous classicism, and the use of colored marbles in contrast to the lioz limestone used in the rest of the building.

The marble tombs of King D. Manuel I and Queen D. María are located on the left side of the chapel, while those of their son, King D. João III, and his wife, Queen D. Catherine of Austria, are on the right. The chapel's background is adorned with an altarpiece featuring five paintings by Mannerist painter Lourenço de Salzedo, depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ and the Adoration of the Magi. At the center of the chapel stands a magnificent baroque silver tabernacle crafted by goldsmith João de Sousa, a gift from King D. Pedro II in 1675 as a token of gratitude for the victory in the battle of Montes Claros in 1665, which secured Portugal's independence.

The chapel's transept is flanked by two side chapels housing altars dedicated to saints and tombs of other members of the royal family. The intricate details and exquisite craftsmanship of the Mother Chapel make it a must-see attraction for visitors to Lisbon. The fusion of Mannerist and Italian influences in its design, along with the historical significance of the royal tombs and artworks housed within, offer a glimpse into Portugal's rich cultural heritage and artistic legacy. Whether you are a history buff, an art enthusiast, or simply a curious traveler, a visit to the Mother Chapel is sure to leave a lasting impression and deepen your appreciation for the beauty and grandeur of Portuguese architecture.

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