Adoration of the Christ child

image du point d'intérêt

Adoration of the Christ Child is an oil on canvas painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Correggio, dating from around 1526.

The work was donated by Francesco I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, to Cosimo II de' Medici of Tuscany in 1617. The Medici exhibited it in the Uffizi Tribune, where it remained until 1634. However, the original commission for the painting is unknown, although some identify it with what was mentioned by the late biographer of Renaissance art Giorgio Vasari and that Luca Pallavicino had brought to Reggio Emilia from Genoa.

The dating of the work is based on stylistic elements: the dates of 1524-1526 derive from similarities with the Deposition and Martyrdom of the Four Saints. Copies of the painting were executed by Johan Zoffany and Giovan Battista Stefaneschi.

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